Monday, October 3, 2011

Birthday Suit Alterations

that is the name of some shop in neutral bay, sydney...
lol, what kind of shop is that???
i thought birthday suits were like the equivalent of being unclothed, as i have learned from after reading so many stories since my internet kept getting too used up for me to watch anything. i thought it was just slang from the website, but apparently not, according to my very corrupted friend who learnt the word when she was EIGHT (0__0 i only knew the existence of this word sometime this year or last. when i was 8, i was still playing with barbies or something than), 'birthday suit' is a general knowledge word...
so yes, either she's corrupted or i'm just very ignorant- as everyone seem to think i am... yeah.. the latter is probably the truthTT_TT
ahh well, thanks to that birthday suit alterations shop-- they should also thank me for giving them free advertismentsXD-- i decided to use it as a prompt to get some creative writing done, according to the results my prelims exam, i got alot to work on(TT^TT)

It was a normal quiet evening, with a comfortable homely atmosphere hanging over L and Light- or as homely and comfortable the atmosphere could be when they were a murderer and detective ready to send each other to their deaths if one of them slipped up. L, or Ryuuga as he liked to call himself, was adding a dozen cubes of sugar expertly piled on top of each other one by one into what used to be coffee. Light tried to keep his eyes from looking at the disgusting sight by drinking his own coffee instead.
“I plan to get my birthday suit altered.” Ryuuga suddenly said tonelessly, a usual stone-dead expression in place. Light's head was swimming from the randomness and absurdity of the sentence as he tried to recover from choking on his coffee.

death note fanfic and incomplete=P

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