Friday, November 18, 2011

Beware of the evil fans

  The body was flung backwards and he could only helplessly watch in fascinated horror as it hit the fans, blood squirting in all directions as the fan’s momentum was abruptly halted by the external force that was the bleeding body. Gravity soon brought the two crashing back down towards the surface of the earth; their force was much greater than the old wooden floorboard’s reaction force, consequently sending the pair through it. Shakily crawling to the newly made whole that occupied most of the worn out room, he didn’t dare wander to far over it, lacking the desire to fall through to the next floor down of the shabby five storey building. From the lack of movement of the unrecognisably mutilated body, he assumed it safe to presume it dead. Not letting his knees to getting any weaker than it already is, he made clumsy stumbles and crawls down the flight of stairs that had surprisingly held even through the recent fight it went through. 

in english, today we deemed fans to be very dangerous.
For it's velocity is very quick, if it is halted by say, a english teacher's hand cause he randomly keeps raising it above his head when talking, hypothetically speaking, the fan will quickly reach an state of inertia as the hand stops in from spinning. Because the time it is reduced to inertia is short, it means the impact of the collision will be pretty big. and that means a very bloody hand.... 
mehh... i can't really remember, but it was something similiar to a car crash
i'm getting so nerdy -_-;
where did all this weird phy stuff randomly come out from??????
anyways moral of story/physics: do not stick your hand in a moving fanXDD

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