Saturday, May 26, 2012


Ugh. Hate english so much, writing essays makes my head hurt. I would love to drop english and take up say art or something, unfortunately english is a necessary evil to pass the HSC. And most unfortunately essays keep reappearing everywhere, its even in art, now that I think about it, so to pass the HSC, all one really needs is an ability to write a good essay (and also substantial knowledge on the course), but as long as you can write an essay, you can be confident that you have 50% done already.

I think I rather have an amazing ability to write than do maths, cause for one thing, maths isn't compulsory in the HSC, and HSC aside, it'll give lots of great work opportunities to become a journalist, novelist, and lots of other things. Plus if I could write that well, it could possibly mean I could make great speeches and hypnotise everyone into making me next president or something... I daydream a tad too much sometimes. And I don't think I would want to be president anyway, as crappy the prime ministers in Australia are, I am sure I can do a much worse job.

Going on my deviantart today after a year or something, reminds me I can always become an artist if things don't go well in the HSC. Looking at artworks and photographs I got spammed in my messages, I know I got a looooonng way to go if that is my career choice. But surely someone would still hire me.. right? I'm probably not as bad as I make myself out to be anyway. At any rate, to be sure that I don't starve to death in my apartment cause I'm jobless, I gotta pass the HSC... which means study.. and that means get off the friggin internet already!! >_<

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