Sunday, October 30, 2011

It's a death note themed vanitas picture I did for photography last term, and I can't stop thinking about how I wish I could just do it for yr 12 as well,
keep asking myself whyyyyy did i drop art for physics =3="
clicky to see~
took me aaages to do, but loved it anyway><
and talking about cameras, i WANT a Polaroid(right spelling??) camera, took some with my friend's camera and its soooooooooo cool~~<3
apparently you can get it for about 90$ in hong kong while it's about 200 something in australia
am defintely going to make good use of my one 6 day trip there among squishing in seeing relatives and stuff- it's pretty hard seeing I have over 20 aunty and uncles added up together from my mum and dad's side, and about 23 cousins as my sister had counted 0_0
and need to get sooo much clothes and then never buy anything for the whole year, don't think i will have much time when school starts again afterwards since i'll probably be stressing over being yr 12 and stuff
which reminds me.. get to work NOW ^^;

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